State of California Department of Industrial Relations News Release
Cal/OSHA Will be Conducting Targeted Inspections During the California Heat Wave
As temperatures rise during the summer months, employers must be proactive in safeguarding their workers against heat-related illnesses. A serious concern such as this can affect anyone working in outdoor or hot indoor environments.
Certain occupations and industries are particularly prone to heat illness hazards. Outdoor workers, such as construction workers, agricultural workers, and utility workers, are at high risk due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and physically demanding tasks. Indoor workers in settings without proper ventilation or air conditioning can also be susceptible to heat-related illnesses.
On Wednesday, July 12, California’s Department of Industrial Relations published a news release cautioning employers about the California heatwave that the state is likely to feel through Tuesday, July 18.
“Our team is out in full force, conducting targeted high heat inspections with a focus on construction, agriculture, landscaping, and warehouse industries to ensure employers are complying with the law,” said Cal/OSHA Chief Jeff Killip.
Heat illness prevention requirements and training can be found on Cal/OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention page. By recognizing the hazards, implementing preventive measures, providing water, and fostering a culture of safety where rest and shade are encouraged, employers can create a work environment that prioritizes the well-being of their workforce.
We encourage all employers to read the full News Release from the Department of Industrial Relations to better equip themselves for the Cal/OSHA Targeted Inspections During Heat Wave ahead.