Legal Policies
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NY Residents
Direct Deposit
Per 12 NYCRR 300.26, beginning July 1, 2021, recovering workers have the right to have workers’ compensation benefit checks and/or proceeds from a settlement agreement directly deposited into a bank account of their choosing.
To begin, change, or cancel the transmittal of workers’ compensation benefit checks and/or proceeds from a settlement agreement pursuant to WCL § 32 (hereinafter settlement proceeds) directly to a financial institution, fill out this form and submit the form to: Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, PO Box 881716, San Francisco, CA 94188, or fax to (415) 675-5469.
Domestic Violence Protocol
As of: 11/15/2022

Manage Account
Property and Casualty
Workers Compensation
Commercial Auto
Workers Compensation